Love does not Boast

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:4 English Majority Text Version (EMTV)

Love is patient, love is kind; love does not envy; love does not boast, . . .

In a previous teaching we (ihlcc) spoke about “Love being Longsuffering”. In that teaching we discussed how all Christians need to be able to suffer the wrongs/immaturity and evilness of other people. We mentioned that God is longsuffering toward men, thus we must go and do likewise. In that teaching we pointed out that believers should be “kind” and patient while they are in the midst of their challenge to truly be considered longsuffering according to God’s Word. We also spoke about the subject of “envy” which is when a person desires the possession of another. Envy is one of the things God is not and today we will speak on another thing God is not. God is not “boastful”. Yes, the King James Version used the old English word “vaunteth” in the sense of someone elevating themselves to a higher position but it is the common word used today for “boasting”. “Boasting” carries several analogies like having a high opinion of oneself or being boisterous or braggadocios. Another thought about being “boastful” is singing your own praises still others even call this being vain which means it all about you. The simple word that is used to easily understand this would be “selfishness expressed through words”. It is the people who “boast” of themselves that are typically unaware of how they sound to others. Either they don’t care or they are insensitive to those around them such that they cannot read the thoughts or expressions of others. On that subject alone we can see why God is the exact opposite. The Lord Jesus Christ is very sensitive to the needs and hurts and even blessing of others. Our good God has every good intention of helping all those who are in need and that is why His Eyes are always watching to see who is calling upon His Name. The Lord is ever ready and ever willing to help all that call upon His Name. We, as God’s children, should look to be a blessing to others as opposed to being a burden. Yes, it is very easy to be a burden to another when you constantly speak about your own will and your own works. People usually don’t mind listening to someone pour out their heart if it is done in sincerity and truth but when people are just pouring out selfish information to hear themselves speak it is being “boastful’ and this “boastfulness” is a negative burden to carry. “Boasters” speak a lot of idle words not knowing that every idle word men speak that shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.-Matthew 12:36 Someone could say just don’t listen to them but that does not stop the proud “boaster” the only way to escape their vain words is to depart from their company. As Christians what do we have to boast about? Aren’t all good things from God our Father? Yes, indeed all good things are directly from the Lord God Almighty because remember you are saved by grace through faith it is the gift of God so no man can “boast” according to Ephesians 2:8 and 9. It is the will of God that people learn to be humble because true humility does not happen by accident but rather purpose and pursuit. We (ihlcc) firmly believe that younger Christians talk a lot because they are excited about what God is doing in their life. However, as those same younger (or baby) Christians began to mature they realize that it is not all about them but rather what they can do to help someone else and that is only known through openly and accurately listening to the other person’s heart. We can remember plenty of times when it was considered spiritual to speak abundantly about God and all the great things He is doing in our life. However, after some time in God’s Word and learning more about modeling Christ we didn’t see any idle chit-chat from our Precious Lord and Savoir. Jesus Christ was always about His Father’s business and yet He never pushed His Own Will but rather always referred to the Will of His Father being done in this earth. We also notice that the Lord typically saw or heard what the people wanted first then He would either help them or leave them alone. It takes a lot of strength and wisdom to allow people to learn from their mistakes to be silent until someone comes to you for help is divine and that is why it is uncommon. Our Heavenly Father loves all men, women and children but He will not force His Will or His awesome Love upon them. God is not a God of force by rather He Is a God of Love. The soft-spoken Savior will gently reach out His Love to you but if you choose to go in another direction He will allow you the full rights of total freedom. Notice that the Holy Spirit Himself is very sensitive to the heart of each person even so much so that if He wants to minister to you along a certain line and you don’t want to talk about it He softly moves away. It is for this reason that He (The Holy Spirit) is known as a dove instead of a bull (no charging full speed ahead because you have the horns to do so). We are to be sensitive to others by always seeking peace rather than personal praise and fleshly approval. We (ihlcc) are so thankful that God is not “boastful” simply because it is not right and therefore it is not in His Nature. Think about it, if anyone could “boast” about His great achievements it would be God. However the gracious humble God chooses to focus on His Love rather than the Mighty Works of His Hands. Yes, we must go and do likewise by focusing our thoughts and words and deeds on glorifying Jesus Christ and His Goodness as opposed to our own words and works (goodly deeds). Just remember “boasting” can even be done when we choose to assert our will over another person’s will so please don’t force a conversation with someone who really doesn’t want to talk. If we are to accurately represent Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior we must demonstrate His exact characteristics by being humble minded, soft spoken and attentive to the feelings of others. When we practice humbleness we will never demonstrate “boastfulness” because the two are contrary to each other. So dear faith friend take up your cross and follow Jesus away from “boastfulness” and unto baseness in God. For God loves you regardless of your achievement and His Great All Powerful Love doesn’t come because of your achievement but rather in spite of our sins. Yes, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever will always have our back the key is are we humble enough to recognize it, so no “boasting” is necessary. Amen!